
Sadhguru: Journey Of A Fake Spiritual Guru | Full Documentary

The entirety of the credit for this work belongs to  Regrettably, the original YouTube video is unavailable in India as it was taken down  by YouTube following a court order from the Isha Foundation. We republished the content to serve the public interest and uncover the truth about this charlatan. Suggested reading:


Religion and Morality

There is a widespread uninformed belief in the context of Morality that theists’ belief in ‘God’ motivates them to be moral and ethical while atheists do not have any such motivation to cling on to moral values and principles. Is there any truth to this notion? The above notion reflects why people choose to be theists […]


Why am I not a fan of Sadhguru?

A friend wanted to gift me a book written by Sadhguru. I politely declined. I told him to save it for someone and briefly gave my reasons. He did not take it well and made me feel like I have criticised a saint or a seer. It is not that I despise Sadhguru. I believe […]

Articles Fraud alert

Fraud Alert – Padmakar Kumar

If you have stumbled upon this paid promoted channel on YouTube recently or somehow came across other similar social media post of this ‘Genius Doctor ‘ and your curiosity has led you to this article then you have reached the right place. However, if you don’t know him already then this article will educate you […]


Homeopathy is a Scam

Homeopathy is a reckless scam. However, not necessarily all it’s practitioners are knowingly scamming people. They themselves are victims of this age-old scam due to the ignorance and/or ingrained irrationalism. Homeopathy is terribly dangerous and unethical ‘treatment’ method as it causes people to delay seeking effective treatment. Homeopathic ‘medicine’ has no medicinal ingredients I’m sure we […]


Pseudoscience of Sadhguru

Mr. Jaggi Vasudev, aka Sadhguru, is a new-age self-styled godman who has abundant modern educated urban Indian and NRI followers. Jaggi Vasudev is a Zakir Naik equivalent in many ways – the key differences are: Articulation, Assertions, Attires and Attachments (religious and political). Jaggi Vasudev’s reasoning skills are quite similar to another self-styled godman Nithyananda. […]


Mass drug overdose – none dead

The 10:23 Campaign The 10:23 Campaign is an awareness and protest campaign against Homoeopathy organised by the Merseyside Skeptics Society, a non-profit organisation, to oppose the sale of homoeopathic products in the United Kingdom in 2010. The campaign has staged public “overdoses” of homoeopathic preparations. The organisers state that homoeopathy is “an unscientific and absurd […]


How Predatory Journals promotes pseudoscience

Let’s understand a few fundamental things first for anyone new to the research publication methods before we discuss Predatory Journals (or Fake Journals). There are broadly two types of scholarly journals: academic and professional journals An Academic Journal is a scholarly journal which publishes articles and serves as a medium for the introduction and presentation […]

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